ugin-list-css' ); } do_action( 'dokan_enqueue_admin_scripts' ); } public function get_localized_price() { return [ 'precision' => wc_get_price_decimals(), 'symbol' => html_entity_decode( get_woocommerce_currency_symbol() ), 'decimal' => esc_attr( wc_get_price_decimal_separator() ), 'thousand' => esc_attr( wc_get_price_thousand_separator() ), 'format' => esc_attr( str_replace( [ '%1$s', '%2$s' ], [ '%s', '%v' ], get_woocommerce_price_format() ) ), // For accounting JS ]; } /** * SPA Routes * * @return array */ public function get_vue_admin_routes() { $routes = [ [ 'path' => '/', 'name' => 'Dashboard', 'component' => 'Dashboard', ], [ 'path' => '/withdraw', 'name' => 'Withdraw', 'component' => 'Withdraw', ], [ 'path' => '/premium', 'name' => 'Premium', 'component' => 'Premium', ], [ 'path' => '/help', 'name' => 'Help', 'component' => 'Help', ], [ 'path' => '/settings', 'name' => 'Settings', 'component' => 'Settings', ], [ 'path' => '/vendors', 'name' => 'Vendors', 'component' => 'Vendors', ], [ 'path' => '/vendor-capabilities', 'name' => 'VendorCapabilities', 'component' => 'VendorCapabilities', ], [ 'path' => '/pro-modules', 'name' => 'ProModules', 'component' => 'ProModules', ], [ 'path' => '/changelog', 'name' => 'ChangeLog', 'component' => 'ChangeLog', ], ]; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine return apply_filters( 'dokan-admin-routes', $routes ); } public function get_vue_frontend_routes() { $routes = []; // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine return apply_filters( 'dokan-frontend-routes', $routes ); } /** * Register all Dokan scripts and styles */ public function register_all_scripts() { $styles = $this->get_styles(); $scripts = $this->get_scripts(); $this->register_styles( $styles ); $this->register_scripts( $scripts ); do_action( 'dokan_register_scripts' ); } /** * Get registered styles * * @return array */ public function get_styles() { $styles = [ 'dokan-style' => [ 'src' => DOKAN_PLUGIN_ASSEST . 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Ensure the billing email is set, and the order has been saved.', 'dokan-lite' ), /** * Filter of maximun a vendor can add tags. * * @since 3.3.7 * * @param integer default -1 */ 'maximum_tags_select_length' => apply_filters( 'dokan_product_tags_select_max_length', -1 ), // Filter of maximun a vendor can add tags ]; $localize_script = apply_filters( 'dokan_localized_args', $default_script ); $vue_localize_script = apply_filters( 'dokan_frontend_localize_script', [ 'rest' => [ 'root' => esc_url_raw( get_rest_url() ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ), 'version' => 'dokan/v1', ], 'api' => null, 'libs' => [], 'routeComponents' => [ 'default' => null ], 'routes' => $this->get_vue_frontend_routes(), 'urls' => [ 'assetsUrl' => DOKAN_PLUGIN_ASSEST, ], ] ); $localize_data = array_merge( $localize_script, $vue_localize_script ); wp_localize_script( 'dokan-i18n-jed', 'dokan', $localize_data ); // load only in dokan dashboard and product edit page if ( ( dokan_is_seller_dashboard() || ( get_query_var( 'edit' ) && is_singular( 'product' ) ) ) || apply_filters( 'dokan_forced_load_scripts', false ) ) { $this->dokan_dashboard_scripts(); 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wp_localize_script( 'dokan-date-range-picker', 'dokan_daterange_i18n', $daterange_localize_data ); } /** * Load form validate script args * * @since 2.5.3 */ public static function load_form_validate_script() { $form_validate_messages = [ 'required' => __( 'This field is required', 'dokan-lite' ), 'remote' => __( 'Please fix this field.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'email' => __( 'Please enter a valid email address.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'url' => __( 'Please enter a valid URL.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'date' => __( 'Please enter a valid date.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'dateISO' => __( 'Please enter a valid date (ISO).', 'dokan-lite' ), 'number' => __( 'Please enter a valid number.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'digits' => __( 'Please enter only digits.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'creditcard' => __( 'Please enter a valid credit card number.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'equalTo' => __( 'Please enter the same value again.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'maxlength_msg' => __( 'Please enter no more than {0} characters.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'minlength_msg' => __( 'Please enter at least {0} characters.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'rangelength_msg' => __( 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'range_msg' => __( 'Please enter a value between {0} and {1}.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'max_msg' => __( 'Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'min_msg' => __( 'Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}.', 'dokan-lite' ), ]; 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wp_enqueue_script( 'dokan-mapbox-gl-geocoder', '', [], DOKAN_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'dokan-maps', '', [ 'dokan-mapbox-gl-geocoder' ], DOKAN_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); } } // Backward compatibility script handler wp_register_script( 'google-maps', DOKAN_PLUGIN_ASSEST . '/js/dokan-maps-compat.js', [ 'dokan-maps' ], DOKAN_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); } /** * Filter 'dokan' localize script's arguments * * @since 2.5.3 * * @param array $default_args * * @return $default_args */ public function conditional_localized_args( $default_args ) { if ( dokan_is_seller_dashboard() || ( get_query_var( 'edit' ) && is_singular( 'product' ) ) || dokan_is_store_page() || is_account_page() || is_product() || dokan_is_store_listing() || apply_filters( 'dokan_force_load_extra_args', false ) ) { $general_settings = get_option( 'dokan_general', [] ); $locale = localeconv(); $decimal = isset( $locale['decimal_point'] ) ? $locale['decimal_point'] : '.'; $banner_width = dokan_get_vendor_store_banner_width(); $banner_height = dokan_get_vendor_store_banner_height(); $has_flex_width = ! empty( $general_settings['store_banner_flex_width'] ) ? $general_settings['store_banner_flex_width'] : true; $has_flex_height = ! empty( $general_settings['store_banner_flex_height'] ) ? $general_settings['store_banner_flex_height'] : true; $custom_args = [ 'i18n_choose_featured_img' => __( 'Upload featured image', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_choose_file' => __( 'Choose a file', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_choose_gallery' => __( 'Add Images to Product Gallery', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_choose_featured_img_btn_text' => __( 'Set featured image', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_choose_file_btn_text' => __( 'Insert file URL', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_choose_gallery_btn_text' => __( 'Add to gallery', 'dokan-lite' ), 'duplicates_attribute_messg' => __( 'Sorry, this attribute option already exists, Try a different one.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'variation_unset_warning' => __( 'Warning! This product will not have any variations if this option is not checked.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'new_attribute_prompt' => __( 'Enter a name for the new attribute term:', 'dokan-lite' ), 'remove_attribute' => __( 'Remove this attribute?', 'dokan-lite' ), 'dokan_placeholder_img_src' => wc_placeholder_img_src(), 'add_variation_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'add-variation' ), 'link_variation_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'link-variations' ), 'delete_variations_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'delete-variations' ), 'load_variations_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'load-variations' ), 'save_variations_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'save-variations' ), 'bulk_edit_variations_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'bulk-edit-variations' ), /* translators: %d: max linked variation. */ 'i18n_link_all_variations' => esc_js( sprintf( __( 'Are you sure you want to link all variations? This will create a new variation for each and every possible combination of variation attributes (max %d per run).', 'dokan-lite' ), defined( 'WC_MAX_LINKED_VARIATIONS' ) ? WC_MAX_LINKED_VARIATIONS : 50 ) ), 'i18n_enter_a_value' => esc_js( __( 'Enter a value', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_enter_menu_order' => esc_js( __( 'Variation menu order (determines position in the list of variations)', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_enter_a_value_fixed_or_percent' => esc_js( __( 'Enter a value (fixed or %)', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_delete_all_variations' => esc_js( __( 'Are you sure you want to delete all variations? This cannot be undone.', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_last_warning' => esc_js( __( 'Last warning, are you sure?', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_choose_image' => esc_js( __( 'Choose an image', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_set_image' => esc_js( __( 'Set variation image', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_variation_added' => esc_js( __( 'variation added', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_variations_added' => esc_js( __( 'variations added', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_no_variations_added' => esc_js( __( 'No variations added', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_remove_variation' => esc_js( __( 'Are you sure you want to remove this variation?', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_scheduled_sale_start' => esc_js( __( 'Sale start date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_scheduled_sale_end' => esc_js( __( 'Sale end date (YYYY-MM-DD format or leave blank)', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_edited_variations' => esc_js( __( 'Save changes before changing page?', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_variation_count_single' => esc_js( __( '%qty% variation', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_variation_count_plural' => esc_js( __( '%qty% variations', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_no_result_found' => esc_js( __( 'No Result Found', 'dokan-lite' ) ), 'i18n_sales_price_error' => esc_js( __( 'Please insert value less than the regular price!', 'dokan-lite' ) ), /* translators: %s: decimal */ 'i18n_decimal_error' => sprintf( __( 'Please enter with one decimal point (%s) without thousand separators.', 'dokan-lite' ), $decimal ), /* translators: %s: price decimal separator */ 'i18n_mon_decimal_error' => sprintf( __( 'Please enter with one monetary decimal point (%s) without thousand separators and currency symbols.', 'dokan-lite' ), wc_get_price_decimal_separator() ), 'i18n_country_iso_error' => __( 'Please enter in country code with two capital letters.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_sale_less_than_regular_error' => __( 'Please enter in a value less than the regular price.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_delete_product_notice' => __( 'This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are you sure you want to delete it?', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_remove_personal_data_notice' => __( 'This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data from the selected orders?', 'dokan-lite' ), 'decimal_point' => $decimal, 'mon_decimal_point' => wc_get_price_decimal_separator(), 'variations_per_page' => absint( apply_filters( 'dokan_product_variations_per_page', 10 ) ), 'store_banner_dimension' => [ 'width' => $banner_width, 'height' => $banner_height, 'flex-width' => $has_flex_width, 'flex-height' => $has_flex_height, ], 'selectAndCrop' => __( 'Select and Crop', 'dokan-lite' ), 'chooseImage' => __( 'Choose Image', 'dokan-lite' ), 'product_title_required' => __( 'Product title is required', 'dokan-lite' ), 'product_category_required' => __( 'Product category is required', 'dokan-lite' ), 'product_created_response' => __( 'Product created successfully', 'dokan-lite' ), 'search_products_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'search-products' ), 'search_products_tags_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'search-products-tags' ), 'search_customer_nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'search-customer' ), 'i18n_matches_1' => __( 'One result is available, press enter to select it.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_matches_n' => __( '%qty% results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_no_matches' => __( 'No matches found', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_ajax_error' => __( 'Loading failed', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_input_too_short_1' => __( 'Please enter 1 or more characters', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_input_too_short_n' => __( 'Please enter %qty% or more characters', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_input_too_long_1' => __( 'Please delete 1 character', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_input_too_long_n' => __( 'Please delete %qty% characters', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_selection_too_long_1' => __( 'You can only select 1 item', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_selection_too_long_n' => __( 'You can only select %qty% items', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_load_more' => __( 'Loading more results…', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_searching' => __( 'Searching…', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_calculating' => __( 'Calculating', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_ok_text' => __( 'OK', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_cancel_text' => __( 'Cancel', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_attribute_label' => __( 'Attribute Name', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_date_format' => get_option( 'date_format' ), 'dokan_banner_added_alert_msg' => __( 'Are you sure? You have uploaded banner but didn\'t click the Update Settings button!', 'dokan-lite' ), ]; $default_args = array_merge( $default_args, $custom_args ); } return $default_args; } /** * Get file prefix * * @return string */ public function get_prefix() { $prefix = ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; return $prefix; } /** * Register scripts * * @param array $scripts * * @return void */ public function register_scripts( $scripts ) { foreach ( $scripts as $handle => $script ) { $deps = isset( $script['deps'] ) ? $script['deps'] : false; $in_footer = isset( $script['in_footer'] ) ? $script['in_footer'] : true; $version = isset( $script['version'] ) ? $script['version'] : DOKAN_PLUGIN_VERSION; wp_register_script( $handle, $script['src'], $deps, $version, $in_footer ); } } /** * Register styles * * @param array $styles * * @return void */ public function register_styles( $styles ) { foreach ( $styles as $handle => $style ) { $deps = isset( $style['deps'] ) ? $style['deps'] : false; $version = isset( $style['version'] ) ? $style['version'] : DOKAN_PLUGIN_VERSION; wp_register_style( $handle, $style['src'], $deps, $version ); } } /** * Enqueue the scripts * * @param array $scripts * * @return void */ public function enqueue_scripts( $scripts ) { foreach ( $scripts as $handle => $script ) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); } } /** * Enqueue styles * * @param array $styles * * @return void */ public function enqueue_styles( $styles ) { foreach ( $styles as $handle => $script ) { wp_enqueue_style( $handle ); } } /** * Admin localized scripts * * @since 3.0.0 * * @return array */ public function get_admin_localized_scripts() { $general_settings = get_option( 'dokan_general', [] ); $banner_width = dokan_get_option( 'store_banner_width', 'dokan_appearance', 625 ); $banner_height = dokan_get_option( 'store_banner_height', 'dokan_appearance', 300 ); $has_flex_width = ! empty( $general_settings['store_banner_flex_width'] ) ? $general_settings['store_banner_flex_width'] : true; $has_flex_height = ! empty( $general_settings['store_banner_flex_height'] ) ? $general_settings['store_banner_flex_height'] : true; $locale = localeconv(); $decimal = isset( $locale['decimal_point'] ) ? $locale['decimal_point'] : '.'; return apply_filters( 'dokan_admin_localize_script', [ 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'dokan_admin' ), 'rest' => [ 'root' => esc_url_raw( get_rest_url() ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'wp_rest' ), 'version' => 'dokan/v1', ], 'api' => null, 'libs' => [], 'routeComponents' => [ 'default' => null ], 'routes' => $this->get_vue_admin_routes(), 'currency' => $this->get_localized_price(), 'proNag' => dokan()->is_pro_exists() ? 'hide' : get_option( 'dokan_hide_pro_nag', 'show' ), 'hasPro' => dokan()->is_pro_exists(), 'showPromoBanner' => empty( Helper::dokan_get_promo_notices() ), 'hasNewVersion' => Helper::dokan_has_new_version(), 'proVersion' => dokan()->is_pro_exists() ? dokan_pro()->version : '', 'i18n' => [ 'dokan-lite' => dokan_get_jed_locale_data( 'dokan-lite' ) ], 'urls' => [ 'adminRoot' => admin_url(), 'siteUrl' => home_url( '/' ), 'storePrefix' => dokan_get_option( 'custom_store_url', 'dokan_general', 'store' ), 'assetsUrl' => DOKAN_PLUGIN_ASSEST, 'buynowpro' => dokan_pro_buynow_url(), 'upgradeToPro' => '', ], 'states' => WC()->countries->get_allowed_country_states(), 'countries' => WC()->countries->get_allowed_countries(), 'current_time' => current_time( 'mysql' ), 'store_banner_dimension' => [ 'width' => $banner_width, 'height' => $banner_height, 'flex-width' => $has_flex_width, 'flex-height' => $has_flex_height, ], 'ajax_loader' => DOKAN_PLUGIN_ASSEST . '/images/spinner-2x.gif', /* translators: %s: decimal */ 'i18n_decimal_error' => sprintf( __( 'Please enter with one decimal point (%s) without thousand separators.', 'dokan-lite' ), $decimal ), /* translators: %s: price decimal separator */ 'i18n_mon_decimal_error' => sprintf( __( 'Please enter with one monetary decimal point (%s) without thousand separators and currency symbols.', 'dokan-lite' ), wc_get_price_decimal_separator() ), 'i18n_country_iso_error' => __( 'Please enter in country code with two capital letters.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_sale_less_than_regular_error' => __( 'Please enter in a value less than the regular price.', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_delete_product_notice' => __( 'This product has produced sales and may be linked to existing orders. Are you sure you want to delete it?', 'dokan-lite' ), 'i18n_remove_personal_data_notice' => __( 'This action cannot be reversed. Are you sure you wish to erase personal data from the selected orders?', 'dokan-lite' ), 'decimal_point' => $decimal, 'mon_decimal_point' => wc_get_price_decimal_separator(), 'i18n_date_format' => wc_date_format(), ] ); } }